Climatecafe Oldenburg Germany 2020 Community Building

Created at: 23 Feb 2020


ClimateCafe klimaatcafe Oldenburg in Germany took place during Water #Governance Conference 2020 with projects as #waterCoG topsoil, CATCH #STEER #goCAM from Interreg NorthSeaRegion.

Climatecafe is a multidisciplinary international governance tool in several national and international projects on water governance: IMPETUS, WaterCoG and INXCES. During a conference involving projects (WaterCoG, STEERM, goCAM and TOPSOIL, Catch). Climatecafe Oldenborg is organised to encourage and enhance the exchange between the projects. The transnational knowledge exchange during the conference is intended to strengthen the existing network and to identify key future challenges in the field of water governance.

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Climate cafe in Oldenburg 09 March 2020 - Published by Manon van de Riet February 2020, 12 students from five different countries participated in the Climate Café in Oldenburg. This format was developed by the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. The OOWV provided a current use case from the ongoing EU INTERREG project CATCH "Dealing with extreme heavy rain events and possible climate adaptation measures for Oldenburg”. In only one and a half days, students from different courses of study worked out proposals on how to bring the topic of extreme heavy rain events in public space closer to the citizens and make it visible in everyday life. A survey of about 70 citizens also showed that the majority of the Oldenburg citizens would be willing to implement climate adaptation measures themselves, either at home or in cooperation with others. The gained knowledge and creative suggestions will support the future work in the Oldenburg CATCH project. Finally, the students presented their ideas at the conference of the INTERREG project Water-Co-Governance in Oldenburg.

Climatecafe Oldenburg Germany 2020 Our cities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change and there is an urgent need to become more resilient. ClimateCafe is a method to assess different parameters in the field that give a quick insight in the vulnerability of a defined urban or rural area and develop potential solutions in an international and transdisciplinary setting. In ClimateCafe Oldenburg you will learn more about stormwater management, water quality and water governance in urban areas. Together we will map existing climate adaptation measures, assess the water quality in Oldenburg shallow waters with mobile phones and underwater drones and explore citizenscience perceptions on climate adaptation. We will apply design thinking to come up with innovative solutions for a water sensitive city. You will present your solutions at the international Water Co-Governance Conference 2020 to experts from UK, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark. More info:

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

Climatecafe Oldenburg Germany 2020 (zondag 23 febr t/m woensdag 26 febr) ClimateCafe Oldenburg met engaged learning.

In deze ClimateCafe werd door 11 studenten van 5 verschillende studies (master Landschapsecologie, master Architectuur, bachelor Civiele Techniek, bachelor Minerva kunstacademie en master Energy for Society) en 5 verschillende nationaliteiten (Argentinia, Bulgarije, Slovakije, Duitsland en Nederland) samengewerkt aan uitdagingen op het gebied van zichtbaarheid en het visueel maken van bestaande klimaatadaptieve maatregelen en het betrekken van de inwoners van het centrum van Oldenburg bij deze uitdaging. De studenten hebben in twee groepen aan dit vraagstuk gewerkt. Ze hebben van de OOWV (Duits waterschap) uitleg gekregen over het gebied en de uitdagingen, ze hebben het gebied verkend, metingen gedaan (met high tech onderwater drones tot Secchi schijf waterkwaliteitsparameters gemeten), inwoners over de beleving bevraagd en vervolgens ideeen via de design thinking methode ontwikkeld en gepresenteerd aan stakeholders en experts op de WaterCoGovernance conferentie die parallel aan deze ClimateCafe liep (5 interreg projecten die samen kwamen). Deze pressure cooker (ClimateCafe) was uniek gezien ondanks de korte tijd (2 dagen) de OOWV en andere stakeholders en experts erg enthousiast waren met name over het visualiseren van de creatieve innovatieve ideeen die buitenlandse stakeholders gebruiken binnen en buiten de organisatie.

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