Näckrosparken pond

Pond (Retention pond)


Created at: 08 Jun 2021


What do you hear? Smell! What do you see? How does it feel? - It is a wonderful park with a beautiful pond. Lots of different plants and you can hear birds singing. It is in the city centre though and there are also quite a few anthropogenic noise sources. Type of water: pond. I believe that it is natural acting as a catchment from the elevation just next to it (Lorensberg). It is highly a management with abundant man-made features. I believe the water comes from Lorensberg, acting as the catchment area and mainly leave the pond underground and evaporation. It is a nice park with a lot of green areas, next to it is Lorensberg, a mall forest area. I found a variety of plants, saw some insects and a few different species of birds. I heard many more birds, though! (see some photos) Ecosystem services: Water regulation, groundwater accumulation, uptake of carbon dioxide (depends on eutrophication issues, do not have more information), biodiversity, recreation and health, knowledge, life for its own worth!

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ClimateCafé ClimateCafé Gothenburg/Mölndal, Sweden 2021

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Gianlucca Gerich

• Submitted 4 projects
• Expert at Water
• Sweden

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