project IMPETUS: Innovative measurement tool towards urban environmental awareness

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Created at: 01 Mar 2020


impetus is supported by the Foundation for the Development of the European Educational System. The project is part of the cooperation for innovation and exchange of best practices. It is a KA203 Project: Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education in Innovation. The project starts in September 2019 and will run for 36 months.

impetus is the acronym for Innovative measurement tool towards urban environmental awareness. Through visual idea design, diverse urban needs in a city can be made visible and thus flow directly into the complex urban development and its planning. The spectrum ranges from good ideas to comprehensive portfolios with concrete solutions. Citizens should thus be included in the planning processes and the diverse approaches to solutions coordinated by online systems, made transparently and access to influential data material supported. In European cities, the threats of climate change are crucial for urban development and human security. Although cities are increasingly experiencing new approaches to local adaptation planning, there are still significant barriers and limits, such as: Limited availability of up-to-date data on local conditions. Lack of awareness and civic attitudes of ignorance of climate change and its impact on basic well-being and local conditions in our streets and neighbourhoods, lack of public interest, and finally: The lack of interdisciplinary approaches and public action to solve local problems, and often the inability to choose optimal solutions from a set of alternative measures. These limits could be overcome by introducing an extended holistic, interdisciplinary approach. This consists of a combination of technical and scientific expertise, combined with the influence of trends in art & design and the inclusion of the social sciences. This combination is complemented by specific IT solutions, which are processed in the form of websites, mobile apps and publications and communicated to a broad audience by means of storytelling. The impetus project takes a new approach, which has emerged from the long cooperation with the project partners and numerous workshops with students. One focus is the urgent effects of climate change on the population and urgent questions of the resilience of the urban living space. The Impetus project is based on a holistic approach that enables an analysis of weaknesses, supports the decision-making process, improves public participation and improves adaptation planning. The methodology applied is used for both educational and research purposes.

Who are the project partners? Technical University of Gdansk, Poland University, Groningen, Netherlands Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands University of Coimbra, Portugal Graubünden University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland University of Klagenfurt, Austria

The aim of this project is to sensitise the target groups to climate-related weaknesses and challenges at a local level; integrating the challenges of climate change into the curricula of different faculties and disciplines of EU universities and in Switzerland in order to raise awareness and provide students and staff with innovative methods combining social, technical and visual methods to collect data on climate vulnerabilities; building a sustainable relationship and continuing active international cooperation between partners.

The project is aimed at the following target groups:

students, researchers, lecturers in water management, civil and environmental engineering, urban planning, transport planning, architecture, art and communication and social sciences; civil servants and decision-makers experts, specialists, practitioners involved in extensive adaptation or mitigation measures; citizens of urban areas.

The project is also supported by the international group of associated partners who work as an advisory board with the project partners, but also expect the project results to implement their activities and support the dissemination of the project results. In terms of project management and results, there are several important exchange programmes: The project will be further developed in seven transnational project meetings. The scientific results will be written in a team and made available under Creative Commons. The knowledge will be implemented in all five participating countries in six multiplier events. Learning, teaching and training activities will be carried out at all participating universities.

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

project IMPETUS: Innovative measurement tool towards urban environmental awareness In veel Europese steden is klimaatverandering een bedreiging geworden voor stedelijke ontwikkeling en veiligheid. Klimaatadaptatie is noodzakelijk maar voor veel steden zijn er nog belangrijke barrières om adaptatie van de grond te krijgen. Deze barrières zijn beperkte data over het lokale klimaat, beperkte bekendheid met het probleem en de onbekendheid van de effecten van klimaatverandering op straatniveau, sectorale aanpakken en het gebrek aan kennis over best management practices. Het IMPETUS project zet zich in om deze barrières te doorbreken door gebruik te maken van een holistische en interdisciplinaire aanpak waarbij het technische-, sociale-, informatietechnologie en kunstdomein samenkomen. In deze aanpak staan het vergroten van kennis en bekendheid met klimaatproblematiek onder studenten, overheden, experts, bewoners en kennisinstellingen centraal. Daarnaast wordt bij de methode ook ingezet op het opbouwen en bevorderen van samenwerking tussen deze partijen.

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• Netherlands

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